HIV Prevention and Health Promotion
Red Ribbon Centre
The Red Ribbon Centre was officially opened in 1997. It is an HIV/AIDS education, resource and research centre established by the Department of Health. Since 1998, the Centre has been designated the UNAIDS Collaborating Centre for Technical Support. The mission of the Red Ribbon Centre is to facilitate and enhance the community's response to HIV/AIDS.
The objectives of Red Ribbon Centre are:
- To promote community participation in HIV/AIDS education and research
- To facilitate the development of social, behavioural and epidemiological research on HIV/AIDS in Hong Kong and the neighbouring regions
- To enhance the development of quality HIV/AIDS education programmes
- To provide an avenue for local and international collaboration in the fight against HIV/AIDS
Responding to the rising number of reported HIV infection, a wide range of programmes have been organised by the Centre not only to raise public awareness about HIV, but also tailored to fit information and knowledge gap of most vulnerable populations. Below are some highlights of Centre’s services: -

- Public is invited to participate in a series of activities to raise awareness on AIDS and to This link will open in a new windowcommemorate World AIDS Day
- This link will open in a new windowCapacity building activities relating to HIV prevention and care were organised;
- Provision of This link will open in a new windowfree HIV education resources (e.g. leaflets, giveaway, condom gift pack, hotlines and websites) to facilitate delivery of up-to-date health information;
- Offer This link will open in a new windowfinancial and technical support in order to encourage local community groups to organize AIDS education activities;
- "This link will open in a new windowRed Ribbon 100" - 100 minutes of Fun is a special guided tour at the Centre