HIV/AIDS Report Form
The HIV/AIDS report form (DH2293) is designed to facilitate reporting by physicians who encounter any patient with HIV/AIDS. Physicians are also encouraged to update the status of the previously reported cases when appropriate using the same form. Completed forms can be submitted electronically, faxed to 2297 3239, or sealed and mailed to:
Department of Health
Centre for Health Protection
Special Preventive Programme
(Attn:Consultant Physician)
2/F Wang Tau Hom Jockey Club Clinic
200 Junction Road East
Kowloon, Hong Kong, China
- This link will open in a new windowOnline platform for electronic submission This link will open in a new window
- This link will open in a new windowThis link will open in a new windowDownload the HIV/AIDS Report Form DH2293 (fillable PDF file)
- No postage stamp necessary if posted in Hong Kong
- This link will open in a new windowDownload the HIV/AIDS Report Form DH2293 (printable version)
- No postage stamp necessary if posted in Hong Kong
- This link will open in a new windowGuidance notes for filling the HIV/AIDS Report Form DH2293 This link will open in a new window