Document Cabinet
- This link will open in a new windowRecommended Clinical Guidelines on the Prevention of Mother-to-Child HIV Transmission (March 2024) (Published by: -Scientific Committee on AIDS and STI (SCAS), Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health)
- This link will open in a new windowRecommendations on HIV Testing in Hong Kong (November 2024) (Published by: -Scientific Committee on AIDS and STI (SCAS), Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health)
- This link will open in a new windowGuidance Notes on COVID-19 Vaccination for People (Adults) with HIV (February 2022) (Published by: -Scientific Committee on AIDS and STI (SCAS), Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health)
- This link will open in a new windowFACTSHEET on A study of delivery of HIV self-test (HIVST) through internet-based channel with online targeted promotion among key populations in Hong Kong (Published by: - Special Preventive Programme, Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health)
- This link will open in a new windowGuidance on the use of HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) in Hong Kong (August 2022) (Published by: -Scientific Committee on AIDS and STI (SCAS), Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health)
- This link will open in a new windowRecommended HIV/AIDS Strategies for Hong Kong (2022-2027) (Published by: - Hong Kong Advisory Council on AIDS)
- This link will open in a new windowRecommendations on STI Testing for MSM in Hong Kong (November 2020) (Published by: -Scientific Committee on AIDS and STI (SCAS), Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health)
- This link will open in a new windowRecommendations on the Management of Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Tuberculosis Coinfection (November 2020) (Published by: -Scientific Committee on AIDS and STI (SCAS), Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health)
- This link will open in a new windowFACTSHEET on A Feasibility Study of Using a Web-based Ordering and Result Upload of HIV Self-testing (HIVST) among Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM) in Hong Kong
(Published by: - Special Preventive Programme
Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health)
- This link will open in a new windowStatement on hepatitis A vaccination and men who have sex with men (June 2017) (Published by: -Scientific Committee on AIDS and STI (SCAS) and Scientific Committee on Vaccine Preventable Diseases (SCVPD), Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health)
- This link will open in a new windowRecommended HIV/AIDS Strategies for Hong Kong (2017-2021) (Publish by: - Hong Kong Advisory Council on AIDS)
- This link will open in a new windowA supplement on the process of formulating the Recommended HIV/AIDS Strategies for Hong Kong (2017-2021)
- This link will open in a new windowReport of the Community Stakeholders’ Consultation for the Development of Recommended HIV/AIDS Strategies for Hong Kong 2017-2021
- This link will open in a new windowSurveillance of exposure to blood-borne viruses (HIV, HBV, HCV) and its management 1999 - 2014 (Published by :-Special Preventive Programme, Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health)
- This link will open in a new windowInterim statement on HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) (Published by: -Scientific Committee on AIDS and STI (SCAS), Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health)
- This link will open in a new windowRecommended principles and practice of HIV clinical care in Hong Kong (Published by: -Scientific Committee on AIDS and STI (SCAS), Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health)
- This link will open in a new windowRecommendations on the Management and Postexposure Prophylaxis of Needlestick Injury or Mucosal Contact to HBV, HCV and HIV (Published by :- Scientific Committee on AIDS and STI (SCAS), and Infection Control Branch, Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health )
- This link will open in a new windowPrecautions for Handling and Disposal of Dead Bodies - The 10th edition (Department of Health, Hospital Authority, Food and Environmental Hygiene Department)
- HIV Manual (Published by :- Department of Health, Centre for Health Protection , Stanley Ho Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases of the Chinese University of Hong Kong )
For the documents of previous years, please refer to - Archives of Document .