2011 ︳2010 ︳
2009 ︳2008 ︳2007
︳2006 ︳2005 ︳2004
︳2003 ︳2002 ︳2001
︳2000 ︳1999 ︳1998
︳1997 ︳1996 ︳1995
︳1994 ︳1993
Archives of Document Cabinet
This link will open in a new windowThird Set of Core Indicators for Monitoring Hong Kong's AIDS Programm (Published by :- Hong Kong Advisory Council on AIDS)
This link will open in a new windowCommunity
Stakeholders Consultation Meeting for Development of Recommended
HIV/AIDS Strategies for Hong Kong 2012-2016 Summary
for the Session on Ethnic Minorities (Published by
:- Community Forum on AIDS, Hong Kong Advisory Council on
AIDS and Hong Kong Coalition of AIDS Service Organisations)
This link will open in a new windowCommunity
Stakeholders Consultation Meeting for Development of Recommended
HIV/AIDS Strategies for Hong Kong 2012-2016 Summary
for the Session on Financing and Resources for HIV Services
(Published by :- Community Forum on AIDS, Hong Kong Advisory
Council on AIDS and Hong Kong Coalition of AIDS Service
This link will open in a new windowCommunity
Stakeholders Consultation Meeting for Development of Recommended
HIV/AIDS Strategies for Hong Kong 2012-2016 Summary
for the Session on Injecting Drug Users (Published
by:- Community Forum on AIDS, Hong Kong Advisory Council
on AIDS and Hong Kong Coalition of AIDS Service Organisations)
This link will open in a new windowCommunity
Stakeholders Consultation Meeting for Development of Recommended
HIV/AIDS Strategies for Hong Kong 2012-2016 Summary
for the Session on Men who Have Sex with Men / Transgender
Persons (published by :- Community Forum on AIDS, Hong
Kong Advisory Council on AIDS and Hong Kong Coalition of
AIDS Service Organisations)
This link will open in a new windowCommunity
Stakeholders Consultation Meeting for Development of Recommended
HIV/AIDS Strategies for Hong Kong 2012-2016 Summary
for the Session on Male Sex Workers (Published by :-
Community Forum on AIDS, Hong Kong Advisory Council on AIDS
and Hong Kong Coalition of AIDS Service Organisations)
This link will open in a new windowCommunity
Stakeholders Consultation Meeting for Development of Recommended
HIV/AIDS Strategies for Hong Kong 2012-2016 Summary
for the Session on People Living with HIV (Published
by :- Community Forum on AIDS, Hong Kong Advisory Council
on AIDS and Hong Kong Coalition of AIDS Service Organisations)
This link will open in a new windowCommunity
Stakeholders Consultation Meeting for Development of Recommended
HIV/AIDS Strategies for Hong Kong 2012-2016 Summary
for the Session on Female Sex Workers (Published by
:- Community Forum on AIDS, Hong Kong Advisory Council on
AIDS and Hong Kong Coalition of AIDS Service Organisations)
This link will open in a new windowCommunity
Stakeholders Consultation Meeting for Development of Recommended
HIV/AIDS Strategies for Hong Kong 2012-2016 Summary
for the Session on Clients of Female Sex Workers (Published
by :- Community Forum on AIDS, Hong Kong Advisory Council
on AIDS and Hong Kong Coalition of AIDS Service Organisations)
This link will open in a new windowCommunity
Stakeholders Consultation Meeting for Development of Recommended
HIV/AIDS Strategies for Hong Kong 2012-2016 Summary
for the Session on Youth at Risk (Published by :- Community
Forum on AIDS, Hong Kong Advisory Council on AIDS and Hong
Kong Coalition of AIDS Service Organisations)
This link will open in a new windowReport
of Community Stakeholders Consultation Meeting for Development
of Recommended HIV/AIDS Strategies for Hong Kong 2012 -
2016 (Published by :- Community Forum on AIDS , Hong Kong Advisory Council on AIDS and Hong
Kong Coalition of AIDS Service Organisations)
- This link will open in a new windowRecommended
Principles of Antiretroviral Therapy in HIV Disease (published
by :- Scientific Committee on AIDS and STI, Centre for Health
Protection, Department of Health)
This link will open in a new windowQuality Assurance
Guidelines on Prevention of HIV/AIDS through Peer Education
Programme in Community Settings (Published by :- Community
Forum on AIDS, Hong Kong Advisory Council on AIDS)
- This link will open in a new windowPriority
HIV and Sexual Health Interventions in the Health Sector
for Men Who Have Sex with Men and Transgender People in
the Asia Pacific Region (Published by :- World Health Organization)
This link will open in a new windowThe
Use of BCG Vaccine in HIV Infected Patients (Published by
:- Scientific Committee on AIDS and STI, Centre for Health
Protection, Department of Health)
This link will open in a new windowGACPAT Assay
for the Detection of Anti-HIV Antibody in Urine (Published
by :- Virology Division, Public Health Laboratory Services
Branch Centre for Health Protection Department of Health
Hong Kong)
This link will open in a new windowQuality Assurance
Guidelines on HIV Voluntary Counselling and Testing Services
in Community Settings (Published by :- Community Forum on
AIDS, Hong Kong Advisory Council on AIDS)
- This link will open in a new windowHealth
Sector Response to HIV/AIDS Among Men Who Have Sex With
Men - Report of the Consultation (Published by :- World
Health Organization Regional Office for the Western Pacific)
This link will open in a new windowRecommendation
on the Management of Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Hepatitis
B Coinfection (Published by :- Scientific Committee on AIDS
and STI , Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health)
- Recommendations
on the Management of Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Tuberculosis
Coinfection (Published by :- Scientific Committee on AIDS
and STI , Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health)
This link will open in a new windowRecommendations
on the Postexposure Management and Prophylaxis of Needlestick
Injury or Mucosal Contact to HBV, HCV and HIV (Published
by :- Scientific Committee on AIDS and STI, and Infection
Control Branch, Centre for Health Protection Department
of Health)
This link will open in a new windowTracking
the characteristics and outcome of HIV/AIDS patients cared
for at the Integrated Treatment Centre- A Report of 1999
to 2006 (Published by :- Special Preventive Programme, Centre
for Health Protection, Department of Health, Hong Kong)
This link will open in a new windowHIV
Manual 2007 (Published by :- Stanley Ho Centre for Emerging
Infectious Diseases, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
and Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health,
HKSAR government)
This link will open in a new windowReport on
the Assessment of Recently Acquired HIV Infection in Men
Having Sex with Men (MSM) in Hong Kong (Published by :-
Stanley Ho Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases, The
Chinese University of Hong Kong)
This link will open in a new windowRecommended
HIV/AIDS Strategies for Hong Kong 2007-2011 (Published by
:- Hong Kong Advisory Council on AIDS)
- This link will open in a new windowRecommended
Clinical Guidelines on the Prevention of Perinatal HIV Transmission
(Published by :- Scientific Committee on AIDS and STI, Centre
for Health Protection, Department of Health)
This link will open in a new windowHIV/AIDS
in Hong Kong 2006 - Living on the Edge (Published by :-
Special Preventive Programme, Centre for Health Protection,
Department of Health)
This link will open in a new windowReport
of Community Assessment and Evaluation of HIV Prevention
for Youth in Hong Kong 2006 (Published by :- Working Group
on HIV Prevention for Youth Community Forum on AIDS, Hong
Kong Advisory Council on AIDS)
This link will open in a new windowReport
of Community Assessment and Evaluation of HIV Prevention
among Injecting Drug Users in Hong Kong 2006 (Published
by :- Working Group on HIV Prevention among Injecting Drug
Users in Hong Kong, Community Forum on AIDS, Hong Kong Advisory
Council on AIDS)
This link will open in a new windowReport
of Community Assessment and Evaluation of HIV effort on
Men who have Sex with Men in Hong Kong 2006 (Published by
:- Working Group on Men who have Sex with Men in Hong Kong
Community Forum on AIDS , Hong Kong Advisory Council on
This link will open in a new windowReport
of Community Assessment and Evaluation of HIV Prevention
for Commercial Sex Workers and their Clients in Hong Kong
2006 (Published by :-Working Group on HIV Prevention for
Commercial Sex Workers and their Clients Community Forum
on AIDS, Hong Kong Advisory Council on AIDS)
This link will open in a new windowReport
of Community Assessment and Evaluation of HIV effort on
Cross Border Travellers in Hong Kong 2006 (Published by
:-Working Group on Cross Border Travellers in Hong Kong
Community Forum on AIDS, Hong Kong Advisory Council on AIDS)
This link will open in a new windowReport
of Community Assessment and Evaluation on HIV Prevention
for Women and Children in Hong Kong 2006 (Published by :-Working
Group on Women and Children Community Forum on AIDS, Hong
Kong Advisory Council on AIDS)
This link will open in a new windowReport
of Community Assessment and Evaluation on HIV Prevention
for People Living with HIV/AIDS in Hong Kong 2006 (Published
by :-Working Group on HIV Prevention for People Living with
HIV/AIDS Community Forum on AIDS, Hong Kong Advisory Council
on AIDS)
This link will open in a new windowTracking
the characteristics and outcome of HIV/AIDS patients cared
for at the Integrated Treatment Centre- A Report of 1999
to 2005 (Published by :-Special Preventive Programme, Centre
for Health Protection, Department of Health Hong Kong)
This link will open in a new windowHIV Manual
- a compilation of selected scientific guidelines and recommendations
published between 2001 and 2005 (Published by :-Special
Preventive Programme, Public Health Services Branch, Centre
for Health Protection, Department of Health, Government
- This link will open in a new windowSurveillance
of exposure to blood-borne viruses (HIV, HBV, HCV) and its
management 1999 - 2004 (Published by :-Special Preventive
Programme, Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health)
This link will open in a new windowEvaluation
of the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Universal Antenatal
HIV Testing Programme in Hong Kong – Review of the Years
2001 to 2004 (Published by :-Scientific Committee on AIDS
co-sponsored by the Hong Kong Advisory Council on AIDS and
the Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health)
This link will open in a new windowA Clinical
Governance Report on the Monitoring and Evaluation of HIV
Clinical Management at Integrated Treatment Centre 1999
– 2004 (Published by :-Special Preventive Programme, Centre
for Health Protection, Department of Heath)
This link will open in a new windowReview
on Social and Support Services to People with HIV/AIDS in
Hong Kong (Published by :-Committee on Promoting Acceptance
of People Living with HIV/AIDS (CPA) of the Hong Kong Advisory
Council on AIDS)
This link will open in a new windowRecommended
Framework for the Delivery of HIV Clinical Care in Hong
Kong (Published by :-Scientific Committee on AIDS co-sponsored
by the Hong Kong Advisory Council on AIDS and the Centre
for Health Protection, Department of Health)
This link will open in a new windowReport of
a Pilot Study on Using OraQuick HIV-1/2 Rapid Test in AIDS
Counselling and Testing Service (Published by :-Special
Preventive Programme, Centre for Health Protection, Department
of Health)
- This link will open in a new windowRecommendations
on Infection Control Practice for HIV Transmission in Health
Care Settings (Published by :-Scientific Committee on AIDS
co-sponsored by the Hong Kong Advisory Council on AIDS and
the Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health)
This link will open in a new windowThe Forgotten
Tragedy‧The Unforgettable Trauma‧Addressing the needs of
people affected by haemophilia and HIV infection in Hong
Kong Final report of the Hong Kong Advisory Council
on AIDS (Published by :- Hong Kong Advisory Council
on AIDS)
This link will open in a new windowConstruction
of the First Set of Core Indicators (2003) for Monitoring
Hong Kong's AIDS Programmes (Published by :- Hong Kong Advisory
Council on AIDS)
This link will open in a new windowRecommended
Ethical Principles on Partner Counselling and Referral for
HIV Infected Individuals in Hong Kong (Published by :- Committee
on Promoting Acceptance of People Living with HIV/AIDS (CPA)
of the Hong Kong Advisory Council on AIDS)
This link will open in a new windowRecommendations
in Case Management of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
in Hong Kong 2004 (Published by :- Social Hygiene Service,
Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health)
This link will open in a new windowLegCo
Adjournment Debate on AIDS – ten years on (Published by
:- ACA Secretariat)
- This link will open in a new windowRecommended
Ethical Principles Regarding the Use of Assisted Reproduction
in HIV Infected Individuals (Published by :- Committee on
Promoting Acceptance of People Living with HIV/AIDS (CPA)
of the Hong Kong Advisory Council on AIDS)
This link will open in a new windowRecommended
Principles on the Application of the HIV Antibody Rapid
Test in Hong Kong (Published by :-Scientific Committee on
AIDS of Hong Kong Advisory Council on AIDS)
This link will open in a new windowReprint of
HIV Infection & the Health Care Workers - Recommended
Guidelines, ACA 1994 (Published by :- Hong Kong Advisory Council on
This link will open in a new windowReport on
the Implementation of the Universal Antenatal HIV Testing
Programme in the Public Service (Published by :-Scientific
Committee on AIDS of the Hong Kong Advisory Council on AIDS)
This link will open in a new windowMethadone:
The Barest Basics; A Guide for Providers (Source of Origin:
Baron Edmond de Rothschild Chemical Dependency Institute
of Beth Israel Medical Center)
This link will open in a new windowAspects of
Discrimination: Its Mechanisms and Resolutions - The Proceedings
of a symposium held on 27th August, 2001 at the Hong Kong
Convention Centre, Hong Kong (Published by :- Committee
on Promoting Acceptance of People Living with HIV/AIDS,
Hong Kong Advisory Council on AIDS)
This link will open in a new windowHIV/AIDS
Prevention and Care for Women - Principles of Strategy (Published
by :- AIDS Prevention and Care Committee Hong Kong Advisory
Council on AIDS)
This link will open in a new windowRecommended
HIV/AIDS Strategies for Hong Kong - 2002 to 2006 (Published
by :- Hong Kong Advisory Council on AIDS)
This link will open in a new windowResistance
of the Neighbourhood Community to the AIDS Treatment Facilities
- Case Study of Kowloon Bay Health Centre (Published by
:- Red Ribbon Centre)
This link will open in a new windowRecommendations
on the Treatment of Latent TB infection in HIV-positive
Persons in Hong Kong (Published by :- Scientific Committee
on AIDS of Hong Kong Advisory Council on AIDS)
- This link will open in a new windowRecommendations
on the Management of HIV Infection in Infants and Children
(Published by :- Scientific Committee on AIDS of Hong Kong
Advisory Council on AIDS)
This link will open in a new windowHIV Manual 2001
(Published by :-Integrated Treatment Centre, Special Preventive
Programme, Department of Health, Hong Kong)
This link will open in a new windowHIV
Prevention and Care in Sex Workers and Clients - Principles
of Strategy (Published by :-AIDS Prevention and Care Committee,
Hong Kong Advisory Council on AIDS)
This link will open in a new windowCare
& Welfare of People Living with HIV/AIDS - Strategy
Paper (Published by :-AIDS Prevention and Care Committee,
Hong Kong Advisory Council on AIDS)
This link will open in a new windowHIV
Prevention and Care in Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) -
Principles of Strategy (Published by :- AIDS Prevention
and Care Committee, Hong Kong Advisory Council on AIDS)
This link will open in a new windowGuidelines
on the Prevention of Blood-Borne Diseases in Schools (Published
by :- Department of Health and Education Department Hong
This link will open in a new windowHIV
Prevention in Cross Border Travellers - Principles of Strategy
(Published by :- AIDS Prevention and Care Committee, Hong
Kong Advisory Council on AIDS)
This link will open in a new windowHIV
Prevention in Drug Users - Principles of Strategy (Published
by :- AIDS Prevention and Care Committee, Hong Kong Advisory Council on AIDS)
This link will open in a new windowThe
Government's Involvement in Promoting Public Awareness on
AIDS in Hong Kong - a position paper (Published by :- Hong Kong Advisory
Council on AIDS)
- This link will open in a new windowSetting
the Agenda of Promoting Acceptance of People Living with
HIV/AIDS in Hong Kong - a Strategy Paper (Published by :-
Committee on Promoting Acceptance of People Living with
HIV/AIDS, Hong Kong Advisory Council on AIDS
- Report on Review of Methadone Treatment Programme (Published by
:- Narcotics Division, Security Bureau)
- This link will open in a new windowHIV
Prevention and Care in Youth - Principles of Strategy (Published
by :- AIDS Prevention and Care Committee, Hong Kong Advisory Council
on AIDS)
- The First Decade of AIDS in Hong Kong - a collection of
essays (Published by :- Hong Kong Advisory Council on AIDS)
This link will open in a new windowAIDS
Strategies for Hong Kong 1999-2001 (Published by :- Hong Kong Advisory
Council on AIDS)
- This link will open in a new windowGuidelines
on Infection Control Practice in Outpatient Clinics (Published
by :- Department of Health
This link will open in a new windowMoving
Ahead Together - Expanding Hong Kong's Response to AIDS
(Published by :- Advisory Council on AIDS)
This link will open in a new windowInternal
Assessment Report - A Review of the HIV/AIDS Situation and
the Programmes on its Prevention, Care and Control in Hong
Kong (Published by :- Advisory Council on AIDS)
This link will open in a new windowHIV
prevention in Mobile Population - Principles of Strategy
(Published by :- Committee on Education & Publicity
on AIDS)
This link will open in a new windowRecommended
Strategy for HIV Prevention in MSM in HK (Published by :-
Committee on Education & Publicity on AIDS)
This link will open in a new windowAn
Overview of the HIV/AIDS Situation and the Programmes on
its Prevention, Care and Control in Hong Kong (Published
by :- Advisory Council on AIDS)
This link will open in a new windowHIV and AIDS
for Primary Care Doctors - An Information Booklet (Published
by :- AIDS Unit, Department of Health Hong Kong)
This link will open in a new windowAIDS
and the Law : The Hong Kong Experience (Published by :-
Advisory Council on AIDS)
- Manual for Nurses (Formerly Information on AIDS for Nurses)
(Published by :- AIDS Unit, Department of Health)
- This link will open in a new windowProceedings
Hong Kong AIDS Conference 1996‧Building New Hope Together
(Published by :- Advisory Council on AIDS )
This link will open in a new windowManual on
HIV/AIDS for Social Welfare Personnel - A Synopsis (Published
by :- AIDS Services Development Committee, Advisory Council
on AIDS)
- This link will open in a new windowClassification
System for HIV Infection and Surveillance Case Definition
for AIDS in Adolescents and Adults in Hong Kong (Published
by :- Scientific Committee of the Advisory Council on AIDS)
This link will open in a new window
Strategies for AIDS Prevention, Care & Control in Hong
Kong (an executive Summary) (Published by :- Advisory
Council on AIDS) (Bilingual document)
This link will open in a new windowStrategies
for AIDS Prevention, Care & Control in Hong Kong (Published
by :- Advisory Council on AIDS
This link will open in a new windowThe Choice
of Safe Clotting Factor Concentrate for Treatment of Haemophilia
in Hong Kong : Recommended Guidelines (Published by :- Scientific
Committee of the Advisory Council on AIDS)
- This link will open in a new windowHIV Antibody
Testing: Recommended Measures to Generate Quality Results
(Published by :- Scientific Committee on AIDS)
This link will open in a new windowReport of
the Study Group on HIV Infection of Haemophilias through
Blood products in Hong Kong (Published by :- The Study Group
on HIV Infection of Haemophilias)
This link will open in a new windowGuidelines
on Infection Control Practice in Clinics and Maternity Homes
(Published by :- Infection Control Committee of DH)
This link will open in a new windowGuidelines
on Infection Control in Dental Clinics (Published by :-
Infection Control Committee of DH)
This link will open in a new windowRecommended
Guidelines for Undertaking Unlinked Anonymous Screening
for Public Health Surveillance of HIV Infection in Hong
Kong (Published by :- Scientific Working Group on AIDS)
This link will open in a new windowProposed Revised
Specification for Clotting Factor Concentrates (Published
by :- Department of Health)
This link will open in a new windowGuidelines
on Consent for HIV Testing (Published by :- Department of