What's new 29/12/2003
The iCE is now accredited a CME programme for Hong Kong non-specialist doctor
The objective of the iContinuing
Education (iCE) on HIV / AIDS of the Virtual AIDS Office of Hong
Kong (VAO) is to provide a selection of free, regularly updated
continuing education activities on HIV/AIDS and its related subjects
for doctors, nurses, other health professionals and workers.
The iCE is now accredited a CME programme for Hong Kong non-specialist
doctor. Eligible doctors who want to obtain CME points for this
purpose are requested to register and attempt the Test of the Current
Programme for accreditation. Record on the CME points gained for
registrant will be regularly passed to the respective Programme
Administrator of (a) Department of Health, (b) Hong Kong Academy
of Medicine, (c) Hong Kong Medical Association, and (d) Hong Kong
Doctors Union Ltd on a regular basis.
- To visit the iCE of VAO