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What's new 11/01/2013

Lions Red Ribbon Fellowship Scheme 2013 invite application

    - Established by the Red Ribbon Centre, Hong Kong
    - Sponsored by the Lions Clubs International District 303 - Hong Kong & Macao, China


The Lions Red Ribbon Fellowship Scheme was established by the Red Ribbon Centre, Hong Kong under the sponsorship of the Lions Clubs International District 303 – Hong Kong & Macao, China. The Fellowship Scheme aims to support mainland professionals to further their professional development or research in Hong Kong on HIV / AIDS control.


The objectives of the Fellowship Scheme are to facilitate experience sharing between the mainland and local workers, to enhance technical exchange on HIV/AIDS control and to encourage collaboration and networking between the areas.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. The applicant must be a citizen of the People's Republic of China;
  2. The applicant should have been practising public health or involved in related works for more than 3 years;
  3. The applicant should have at least one year's experience in AIDS-related works in the mainland China and will continue to work in this field after the Fellowship Scheme.
  4. The applicant must be a person-in-charge or be involved in community-based AIDS care and prevention works in the mainland China.
  5. In case there are more than one applicant from the same proposal, then the applicants should preferably be from different fields of work. Preference will be given to the front-line workers in the community.


  1. The maximum grant for one applicant is HK$8,500.
  2. Subject to adequate justification, at most two applicants can apply in collaboration with each other to carry out the same training programme for two weeks in Hong Kong. The maximum grant for the two applicants from the same training programme is HK$15,000 in total.
  3. The successful applicant must bear all the expenses arising from this Fellowship Scheme, including traveling expenses to and out of Hong Kong, fees for boarding and lodgings, traffic and other related expenses in Hong Kong. As the Fellowship Scheme will not be responsible for any of the medical / accident-related expenses incurred during the successful applicant's stay in Hong Kong, it is advised that the successful applicant should procure a travel and medical insurance at his / her own cost to cover all the related expenses that might be arose in Hong Kong.

Programme Content and Evaluation

  1. The applicant must state in details the training programme which he / she proposes to be implemented in Hong Kong. The proposals submitted will then be examined by the Red Ribbon Centre Management Advisory Committee (i.e. the vetting committee). The Red Ribbon Centre will base on the situation in Hong Kong and the training needs of the successful applicant(s) to arrange the training programmes and provide logistics supports as appropriate. The Red Ribbon Centre will also assess the performance of the successful applicant throughout the training programme.
  2. During the two weeks' stay in Hong Kong, the successful applicant must hold a seminar about the situation, prevention works and care works of HIV in their locality. Upon the completion of the training programme with satisfactory performance, the successful applicant will be awarded an attendance certificate for the "Lions Red Ribbon Fellowship Scheme".
  3. The successful applicants must submit to the Red Ribbon Centre a Final Report which states the training programme in details within three months of completion of the Fellowship Scheme. Upon receipt of the Final Report, the Certificate for "Lions Red Ribbon Fellow" will be issued and mailed to the successful applicant at his / her place of work.
  4. In case there are two applicants from the same proposal, the vetting committee will examine the two applications together. Successful applicants have to carry out the proposal at the same time in Hong Kong. Each pair of applicant is required to hold one seminar and to hand in one Final Report only.


  1. Eligible applicants should complete the application form which includes :
    1. Name (both Chinese and English)
    2. Contact address and numbers (including telephone no., fax no. and email address)
    3. Name of current working organization and rank
    4. Qualifications and experience
    5. Tenure for academic exchange abroad, if any
    6. A description of his / her own aspirations and the professional goals
    7. Details of the HIV care or prevention programmes he / she participated in China
    8. A description of the proposed training programme including the main themes, activities, its relevance to the mainland situation, duration, and any special arrangement needed. If a research project is to be conducted, the methods and expected output should be included.
    9. Proposed date of arrival in and departure from Hong Kong
    10. Name of the staff from the same organization / department who have participated in the "Lions Red Ribbon Fellowship Scheme" before, and the date of his / her arrival in Hong Kong
  1. Each applicant should submit one application. In case there are two applicants from the same proposal, the two application forms must be submitted at the same time
  2. There should be two reference letters for each applicant (if the proposed training programme involved collaboration of the other organization, the applicant should submit a reference letter issued by the concerned organization). The completed application form attached with the reference letters should be submitted to the following address –

    Red Ribbon Centre
    2/F, Wang Tau Hom Jockey Club Clinic
    200 Junction Road East
    Kowloon, Hong Kong
    (Please remark "Lions Red Ribbon Fellowship Scheme" on the envelop)

Deadline for Application and Notice of Acceptance

  1. The completed application forms must reach the Red Ribbon Centre on or before 6:00 p.m. on 15 April 2013. Late submissions will not be considered.
  2. Successful applicants will be informed by mail / email on or before 31 May 2013. Unsuccessful applicants will not be notified separately.

Special Remarks

  1. The service hours of the organizations / units in Hong Kong may be different from that of the mainland China. The Red Ribbon Centre will base on the situation of the organizations / units in Hong Kong to arrange the training programmes / activities. Therefore, the actual arrangement maybe different from that proposed by the applicants. The Red Ribbon Centre reserves the rights to make any amendments on the training programmes / activities at any time.
  2. Due to administrative and privacy reasons, all units/organizations in Hong Kong reserve the rights to decline any information requests from the successful applicants.
  3. Successful applicants must arrive in Hong Kong to proceed with the training programme under the Fellowship Scheme before April 2014. They must also apply to the appropriate authorities for obtaining a visa / the necessary permission to Hong Kong that could cover the entire two-week programme. If the successful applicant could not arrive in Hong Kong as expected or for whatever reasons (including visa and health problems) to complete the entire two-week programme, the grant awarded to him / her will be automatically cancelled.
  4. If the successful applicant could not complete the entire two-week programme, he / she would not be awarded with any Certificate and have to return all the grant awarded to him / her to Lions Clubs International District 303 – Hong Kong & Macao, China. In addition, the Red Ribbon Centre will inform his / her senior or the one who recommended his / her application.
  5. The successful applicant must acknowledge the Red Ribbon Centre, Hong Kong and the Lions Clubs International District 303 – Hong Kong & Macao, China for any publications or research work projects resulting completely or partly from the Fellowship Scheme.
  • Download details & application form (application closed)

 ~ END ~

(Revised in January 2013)

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  • Gay Men HIV Information Website