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Press Releases 1996

HIV test kit

In response to media enquiries on HIV virus test kit (IMxHIV/HIV2 3rd generation plus kit) produced by the Abbott Laboratories which was found to have produced very small number of inaccurate results, a spokesman for the Department of Health today (Tuesday) said:

"The affected assay IMxHIV/HIV2 3rd Generation Plus had NOT been used by the Department of Health including its AIDS Unit and Social Hygiene Clinics.

"The Abbott Laboratories had notified all purchasers of the affected assay of the findings.

"Institutions and health care providers concerned are advised to contact their clients who had been tested by this affected assay to discuss any necessary follow up actions.

"People who had taken HIV tests in the past six months are advised to contact their attending physicians or handling organizations to ascertain if the affected assay had been used and whether re-test is necessary."

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  • Red Ribbon Centre
  • HIV Testing Service Website
  • Gay Men HIV Information Website