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Press Releases 1996

Support from the Community is essential to combat AIDS

Prevention and education are the best ways to control AIDS, Mrs Lavender Patten said today (Friday).

Speaking at the opening ceremony of Hong Kong's first AIDS Conference, Mrs Patten said: "In spite of the medical advances and our rising awareness fo the disease, AIDS is still an incurable condition, affecting young and productive people in our society."

She pointed out that the impact of AIDS was significant even if the number of infected patients was apparently small in Hong Kong.

"The seemingly low rate of HIV infection in Hong Kong should not breed complacency. We must continue our efforts to control the disease." she said.

"Local and international experience tells us that for prevention to be effective as a society we must face up to behaviour with a high risk of leading to infection. In other words, subjects like sexual habits, drug abuse, the treatment and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases should be tackled when drawing up prevention programmes."

Mrs Patten said that in Hong Kong a target-oriented approach for preventing AIDS had been adopted which ensured, to a certain extent, that people get the right message which might lead to changes in behaviour or attitude.

She said support of the whole community was needed to develop an effective programme for AIDS. She appealed to the public to be understanding and compassionate to those living with the disease.

Also speaking at the ceremny, the Chairman of Advisory Council on AIDS, Dr Conrad Lam, said: "The conference represents a milestone in our history, It will pave the way for better collaboration of all parties involved in AIDS prevention, care and control in Hong Kong."

"The policy, social, public health, clinical and care issues concerning HIV/AIDS will be addressed by local workers in the Conference and through their activeparticipation, new ideas would be generated.

"I am hopeful that these ideas can be translated into useful strategies for the Advisory Council on AIDS in due course." she said.

The Chairman of Organising Committee of AIDS Conference, Ms Carlye Tsui also said the Conference provided a timely and unique opportunity for Hong Kong to look back into the past, evaluate its efforts and plan for the coming future.

"Local efforts in the past 11 years towards the prevention, care and control of the disease succeeded to enhance public AIDS awareness, keep the epidemic under control, and provide support for people living with AIDS."

"What we have achieved so far is a good base for us to strengthen the AIDS programme in Hong Kong, Togetherness will be the key to build new hope for the society and patients."

The two-day AIDS Conference, the first of its kind in Hong Kong, was organised by the Advisory Council on AIDS and sponsored by the Department of Health.

Programmes of the conference include a plenary session, symposiums, workshops, exhibitions and cultural events.

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