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Press Releases 1997

AIDS Trust Fund application deadlines

The Council for the AIDS Trust Fund announced today (Friday) the deadlines for the next two rounds of applications for grants from the Fund for the year of 1997/98.

Financial support will be given to projects to strengthen medical and support services for people living with AIDS and public education programmes to combat the spread of HIV and to promote a positive attitude towards AIDS.

The deadlines for the submission of applications for the next two rounds of applications are August 29 and November 28, 1997. Completed application forms should be sent to the Secretary for the Council for the AIDS Trust Fund, c/o Health and Welfare Bureau, 19-20/F, Murray Building, Garden Road, Hong Kong.

Applicants are advised to adhere to the appropriate deadlines as it will normally take three to four months for processing.

Application forms are available from the Secretary for the Council and the Red Ribbon Centre, second floor, Wang Tau Hom Jockey Club Clinic, 200 Junction Road, Kowloon.

Enquiries can be made at telephone 2973 8136 and 2973 8117, or by fax to 2840 0467 and 2869 4376.


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