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Press Releases 1997

A roving exhibition on STD awareness

A roving exhibition will be held from today (Friday) to September to arouse public awareness of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

The exhibition is organised by the Department of Health's Social Hygiene Service (SHS), which is tasked with the prevention, control and treatment of STDs in the territory.

In the second quarter of 1997, the Service treated 5,188 STD cases, representing an increase of 3.1 per cent when compared with 5,032 cases in the same period last year. The majority of STD patients are young, with 64 per cent of them aged between 20 and 40. The male-to-female ratio was 1.7 to 1.

Among all the STD cases diagnosed, the greatest increase was in primary syphilis, although it accounted for only a small percentage of all cases recorded. Fifty-six cases of primary syphilis were diagnosed in this quarter, compared to 31 cases in the same period last year.

The exhibition will be held in all Social Hygiene Clinics and the Red Ribbon Centre, as well as in the following housing estates: Lei Tung Estate (August 29 -September 4), Oi Man Estate (September 4-10), Tai Wo Estate (September 10-16) and Cheung Fat Estate (September 16-22).

New posters and publicity cards are produced and distributed to drive home the message proper use of quality condom and avoidance of multiple sex partners are the most important methods of preventing STD.

Information concerning STDs can also be obtained at the following hotlines: AIDS Hotline 2780 2211 and Dr Sex Hotline 2337 2121.


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