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Press Releases 1997

World AIDS Campaign 1997 - the Hong Kong Project

Logo of World AIDS Campaign 1997To commemorate our fight against HIV/AIDS, a TWIN-RIBBON BRONZE SCULPTURE will be erected at the Fleming Road Garden in Wanchai, Hong Kong Island, beside the Victoria Harbour on World AIDS Day (Hong Kong time). The 6.5 metres tall sculpture is crafted by Mr Van Lau, a world renowned artist. The ribbons represents the love and concern for people living with HIV/AIDS. Two ribbons intertwine to form a heart, the sculpture binds us together to stop the relentless spread of the disease.

The project also signifies important community participation. Apart from the organiser - Hong Kong Advisory Council on AIDS, there are five other campaign partners. They are :

  • The Outstanding Young Persons' Association,
  • Lions Clubs International District 303,
  • Rotary International District 3450,
  • Hong Kong Junior Chamber, and
  • Zonta Club of Victoria.

A launching ceremony will be held at 12 noon on 1 December at the Fleming Road Garden.

A special pamphlet has been published to commemorate the event and may be obtained upon request as stock lasts.

A "World AIDS Campaign" exhibition will be held from Dec 1 to 7 at the first floor of Central Plaza (beside the Fleming Road Garden). All are welcome.

More than 20 World AIDS Campaign functions are organised by the various groups and organizations in Hong Kong. A calender can be obtained from Red Ribbon Centre.

- an announcement released by Red Ribbon Centre, Hong Kong

World AIDS Campaign 1997 - Sep to Dec

EVENT Red Ribbon Campaign
DATE October-December 97
VENUE Youth Centres, women's centres, hotels, hospitals and chain stores
TARGET General public
DETAILS Working together with other community groups to produce and distribute Red Ribbon Cards on World AIDS Day
ENQUIRIES Ivy Chan Tel: 2898 4411 Fax: 2505 1682

EVENT World AIDS Day Safer-sex-kit distribution
DATE 30 November to 1 December 97
VENUE Tuen Mun Pier, Central, Causeway Bay, Quarry Bay, Mongkok and Kwun Tong (MTR Station)
TARGET General public
DETAILS Distribution of over thirty thousand Safer-sex-kits
ENQUIRIES Ivy Chan Tel: 2898 4411 Fax: 2505 1682

ORGANIZER AIDS Concern, HIV Information & Drop-In Centre, HK AIDS Memorial Quilt Project, HK AIDS Foundation, Teen AIDS, The Hong Kong Council of Social Service - AIDS Project and The Society for AIDS Care
EVENT World AIDS Day Candle lit Vigil
DATE 30 November 97
VENUE Chater Road Pedestrian Precinct
TARGET General public
DETAILS Candle lit ceremony, experience sharing, modern dance, performance and quilt exhibition
ENQUIRIES Charlotte Lam Tel: 2898 4411 Fax: 2505 1682

ORGANIZER Committee on Education and Publicity on AIDS
EVENT World AIDS Campaign 1997 Launching Ceremony
DATE 1 December 97
VENUE Fleming Road Garden
TARGET General public
DETAILS Ribbon cutting ceremony for sculpture
ENQUIRIES San Wong Tel: 2304 6268 Fax: 2338 0534

ORGANIZER Committee on Education and Publicity on AIDS
EVENT ''World AIDS Day'photo exhibition
DATE 1 December 97
VENUE Central Plaza (Pending)
TARGET General public
DETAILS Photo and poster exhibition
ENQUIRIES San Wong Tel: 2304 6268 Fax: 2338 0534

ORGANIZER Chung Ying Theatre Company
EVENT Hot-Blooded Youngsters Sex Education Workshop
DATE October 97 - March 98
VENUE Youth Community Centres
TARGET Teenagers between 14-17
DETAILS By means of theatre games and exercises, the participants are encouraged to look into the relationship between sexuality and their personal growth.
ENQUIRIES Emily Cheng Tel: 2521 6628 Fax: 2537 1803

ORGANIZER Hong Kong AIDS Foundation
EVENT "Think of Children, Let Children Think" Fair Day
DATE 29 November 97
VENUE Amphitheatre, Tak On Street, Wonderful Worlds of Whampoa
TARGET General public
DETAILS Prize presentation ceremony, performance, exhibition, (To children) painting quilt
ENQUIRIES Leung Yuet Sheung Tel: 2560 8528 Fax: 2560 4154

ORGANIZER Hong Kong AIDS Foundation
EVENT Exhibition on the Winning Pictures of the "Think of Children, Let Children Think" Drawing & Coloring Competition
DATE 24-26 November 97
VENUE MTR Central Station
TARGET General public
ENQUIRIES Leung Yuet Sheung Tel: 2560 8528 Fax: 2560 4154

ORGANIZER Hong Kong AIDS Foundation
EVENT Charity Sale of Red Ribbon Pins
DATE 17 November - 1 December 1997
VENUE Tower Records, Hobby Horse Toy's Ltd
TARGET General public
ENQUIRIES Leung Yuet Sheung Tel: 2560 8528 Fax: 2560 4154

ORGANIZER Hong Kong AIDS Foundation
EVENT Charity sale of Red Ribbon Pins cum distribution of Caring Cards
DATE 30 November & 1 December 1997
VENUE KCR Stations (Tai Po Market, Fanling, Sheung Shui), Queensway Plaza
TARGET General public
DETAILS Charity sale of Red Ribbon Pins, distribution of Caring Cards & board display. Winning pictures from the "Think of Children, Let Children Think" . Drawing & colouring competition will be used as the design for the Caring Cards
ENQUIRIES Anthea Cheng Tel: 2560 8528 Fax: 2560 4154

ORGANIZER Hong Kong AIDS Memorial Quilt Project
EVENT Art against AIDS Exhibition
DATE 16 - 22 November 97, 27 Nov - 6 Dec 97
VENUE Cultural Centre, Tsimshatsui/Fringe Club, Central
TARGET General public
DETAILS Paintings, quilts, installation and wall hangings done in group workshops
ENQUIRIES Janie Rowe Tel:2866 1887 Fax:2866 1887

ORGANIZER Prospects Theatre Co. Ltd. and Teen AIDS
EVENT AIDS Journey : An Education Touring Performance for the Youth
DATE October - December 97
VENUE 5 schools which will be selected through recruitment
TARGET F.1 to F.7 students
DETAILS The activity will be conducted in a journey-like process in the covered playground of the secondary schools. Participants will go through a series of view points exploring their knowledge and attitude towards AIDS, followed by a performance.
ENQUIRIES Wong Wai-ling Tel: 2606 7222 Fax: 2606 0913

ORGANIZER Lions Clubs Internatioal District 303 Hong Kong & Macau
EVENT Leuncheon Meeting with Speech delivered by Dr David HO
DATE 9 December 97 at 12:30pm
VENUE Regent Hotel TST
TARGET General public (ticket holders)
DETAILS The activity will be conducted by Dr. David Ho who will reveal some of the most recent developments in AIDS care
ENQUIRIES Lion Thomas Kwok Tel: 2893 1178

ORGANIZER Advisory Council on AIDS
EVENT Lecture : New Developments in AIDS care
DATE 10 December 97 at 6:30pm
VENUE Science Museum TST
TARGET Medical Practitioners
DETAILS The activity will be conducted by Dr. David Ho who will reveal some of the most recent developments in AIDS care
ENQUIRIES Dr. Kenny Chan Tel: 2780 8622 Fax: 2780 9580

ORGANIZER Radio Hong Kong
EVENT TV programme "Sex Education"
DATE From 23 November 97, Sunday 7:00 pm
TARGET General public
DETAILS 3 to 4 episodes is related to AIDS education, the remaining are related to sex education

ORGANIZER St. John's Cathedral HIV Information & Drop-In-Centre
EVENT St. Stephen's Chapel Stanley Christmas Fete 1997
DATE 6 December 97
VENUE St. Stephen's chapel
TARGET General public
DETAILS Activities include games, paintings, christmas sale, dancing, concert, etc.The HIV Information & Drop-In-Centre will set up an information booth and distribute AIDS leaflets to the public
ENQUIRIES Johnny Li Tel: 2523 0531 Fax: 2523 158

EVENT Hong Kong AIDS Education Drama Festival 97
DATE July - December 97
VENUE School Hall / Civic Centre Auditorium
TARGET Secondary school, postsecondary students
DETAILS Through research, workshop, playwrighting rehearsal and performance, secondary and postsecondary school students will know more about AIDS and the relationship between AIDS and themselves
ENQUIRIES Terence Chang Tel: 2870 1222 Fax: 2870 3623

EVENT Teen AIDS & Chinese University present "Love & Care Web Page Design Competition"
DATE September - December 97
TARGET Secondary school, postsecondary students/public
DETAILS Through web page design, we can arouse the awareness of students and the public on AIDS
ENQUIRIES Cincilia Chan Tel: 2870 1222 Fax: 2870 3623

EVENT Tree of Life '97
DATE 30 November 97
VENUE Chater Road Pedestrian Precinct
TARGET Youth / Public
DETAILS By writing wishes on leaves, hanging them and exhibiting them on a tree, youth and public can show their love and care
ENQUIRIES Cincilia Chan Tel: 2870 1222 Fax: 2870 3623

ORGANIZER The Society for AIDS Care Ltd
EVENT Seminar - Positive or Negative. What is the difference
DATE 27 November 97 7:30pm - 9:00pm
VENUE The Fringe Club
TARGET General public
DETAILS Taking about the issues of transmission, lifestyle and acceptance of PHAS in our society
ENQUIRIES Karen Yu Tel: 2559 2006 Fax: 2521 7668

The information in this calendar is provided by the various organizations working on AIDS, and compiled by the Committee on Education & Publicity on AIDS ( CEPAIDS )

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  • HIV Testing Service Website
  • Gay Men HIV Information Website