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Press Releases 1998

Intermediate Course on HIV/AIDS

Jointly organised by the School of Professional and Continuing Education, University of Hong Kong and Department of Health

This course is designed for those who has participated in the introductory course and graduated with satisfactory assessment; and/or have or will be involved in AIDS services (hospitals or organizations). Those who are able to enclose a letter from their employers are advised to do so. Course content is mainly delivered through lectures, visit to AIDS Hotline service and Red Ribbon Centre will be arranged.


At the end of the course, the participants shall:-

  1. have an understanding on the management principle of HIV infected and AIDS;
  2. understand the current clinical nursing and support approach to HIV infected and their family;
  3. be confident to provide general nursing care for HIV infected patients; and
  4. be able to provide pre- and post- test counselling on HIV testing.

The Course topics, dates and times are as follows:-

18.6.98 6:30-7:30pm Viral dynamics and overview
18.6.98 7:30-8:30pm Antiretroviral Treatment
25.6.98 6:30-8:30pm Clinical nursing
2.7.98 6:30-7:30pm Paediatric AIDS
2.7.98 7:30-8:30pm Home care and hospice
9.7.98 6:30-8:30pm HIV/AIDS - profile and management
16.7.98 6:30-8:30pm Pre and post HIV test counselling
23.7.98 6:30-8:30pm Workshops on HIV/AIDS Counselling 
(HIV antibody testing, needle stick injury, receiving blood/blood product, STD infected case)
30.7.98 6:30-8:30pm Workshops on HIV/AIDS Counselling 
(pregnancy, teenage, CSW, sexually active case)
6.8.98 6:30-8:30pm Case Conference 
(A Team Approach and the patient support group)
13.8.98 6:30-8:30pm Counselling for HIV/AIDS patients(& family)
20.8.98 6:30-8:30pm Workshops on HIV/AIDS Counselling 
(HIV +ve patient, their spouse, family members, bereavement)
27.8.98 6:30-7:30pm
7:30-8:30 pm
Community support/welfare/resources
MCQ Test and Evaluation
MCQ Test

Date : Thursday, 6:30-8:30pm, commencing June 18, 1998
Venue : Room 27, 3/F., Admiralty Centre, 18 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong (Access via escalators on 2/F of the shopping Arcade)
Fee: $700
No. of participants is limited to 40

For those who are interested, please fax your name, fax no. or address to Red Ribbon Centre for a detailed programme and application form, fax no : 23380534 (please note: personal data are mainly for use within the centre for communication purpose)

Closing date for applications : May 16, 1998
For enquiry, please feel free to call: Red Ribbon Centre 23046268


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  • Gay Men HIV Information Website