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Press Releases 1999

World AIDS Campaign 1999


The following is issued on behalf of the UNAIDS Collaborating Centre for Technical Support - Red Ribbon Centre:

The theme of the World AIDS Campaign 1999 is "LISTEN, LEARN, LIVE! World AIDS Campaign with Children and Young People".

The Campaign was officiated in Brasilia, Brazil this (Friday) morning (Hong Kong time) by Brazilian President Fernando Henrique Cardoso and Dr Peter Piot, Executive Director of UNAIDS.

The slogan "LISTEN, LEARN, LIVE, the 1999 World AIDS Campaign for Children and Young People" is to highlight the importance of open communication, to discover their needs, and to combat harmful cultural attitudes.

Worldwide, over half of the people who newly acquired the virus are under 25. The aim of this year's campaign is to advocate an equal environment for different groups on sharing their views.

The theme LISTEN is to attend to people we are serving, to find out their concerns and their feelings. LEARN from each other, respect other's views and gain understanding of other's experiences. LIVE in a world without stigma and create a non-discriminatory environment for those living with HIV/AIDS.

Dr Peter Piot visited Hong Kong in May 1998 to officiate at the first anniversary of Red Ribbon Centre.

The document "LISTEN, LEARN, LIVE! 1999 World AIDS Campaign with Children and Young People - Challenges for Latin America and the Caribbean" from UNAIDS is available at Red Ribbon Centre. For enquiries, please dial telephone number 2304 6268 or visit the website on AIDS:

End/Friday, February 26, 1999


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