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Press Releases 2000

Lions Red Ribbon Fellowship Scheme

Established by Red Ribbon Centre, Hong Kong &
Sponsored by the Lions Clubs International - District 303 (Hong Kong and Macau)



Red Ribbon Centre, Hong Kong, with the sponsorship of the Lions Clubs International Hong Kong and Macau District 303, has established the Lions Red Ribbon Fellowship Scheme with a view to supporting mainland professionals to further their professional development or research in Hong Kong on HIV/AIDS control.


The objectives are to facilitate experience sharing between the mainland and local workers, to enhance technical exchange on HIV/AIDS control, and to encourage collaboration and networking.


The maximum award consists of a sum of HK$12,500 for a period of two weeks in Hong Kong. Partial awards may be granted as appropriate.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. The applicant should be a citizen of the People's Republic of China;
  2. The applicant should have been practising public health in China for more than 3 years;
  3. The applicant should have at least one year's experience on any work on AIDS in China and would continue to work in this field after the fellowship programme.

Programme Content and Evaluation

The programmes, as designed by the applicant and endorsed by the vetting committee, may involve attachment, field work, community based projects, research, or combinations. Assessment would be conducted throughout the training period and the awarded should submit a preliminary written report before the end. The title of "Lions Red Ribbon Fellow" shall be granted upon the completion of the programme and a satisfactory assessment. Full report shall be submitted within three months of programme completion.

For any publications and research projects resulting completely or partly from the fellowship the "Lions Red Ribbon Fellowship Scheme "should be acknowledged.


  1. Any eligible applicant could submit a programme proposal on the prescribed application form which should include :
  1. Name (both Chinese and English)
  2. Contact address and numbers (telephone, fax, and email)
  3. Current positions, rank, and office address and numbers
  4. Qualifications and experience
  5. A description of his/her own aspirations and the professional goals
  6. A description of the proposed training programme including the main themes, activities, its relevance to the mainland situation, duration, and any special arrangement needed. If a research project is to be conducted, the methods and expected output should be included.
  1. Two letters of reference should be available.
  2. The completed proposals should be submitted to

    Red Ribbon Centre
    "Lions Red Ribbon Fellowship Scheme"
    2/F, Wang Tau Hom Jockey Club Clinic
    200 Junction Road East
    Hong Kong


The deadline of this round of application is 31 March 2000. Successful applicants would be informed by mail, and/or email, if available.

Special Remarks:

Successful applicants must arrive at Hong Kong to proceed with the programme under the scheme in the year 2000. They must also apply to the appropriate authorities for obtaining a visa to Hong Kong and they are self-responsible for arranging their own accommodation in Hong Kong. If the successful applicant could not arrive in Hong Kong within the year, the award would be automatically cancelled.
(Revised in January 2000)

Download application form in PDF format - application closed

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