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Press Releases 2001

Promoting acceptance of people living with HIV/AIDS


The Red Ribbon Centre of Department of Health, the Hong Kong Advisory Council on AIDS and The Hong Kong Community Charter on AIDS will jointly launch the the Robbi-for-Charter Signing Ceremony cum Robbi Manifesto Contest Awards Presentation Ceremony on 22 June 2001 at 11:30 a.m. at the Derby Suite of Royal Park Hotel, 8 Pak Hok Ting Street, Shatin.

Officiating at the ceremony will include the following members:

  • Mrs Carrie LAM JP - Director of Social Welfare
  • Dr T.A.SAW JP - Acting Director of Health
  • Dr Homer TSO JP - Chairman, Hong Kong Advisory Council on AIDS
  • Prof. C.N.CHEN JP - Chairman, Committee on Promoting Acceptance of People Living with HIV/AIDS
  • Mr Conrad CHUNG - General Manager, Limited & Starlite Productions Limited
  • Lion Norman S.W.TSUI - District Governor, Lions Clubs International District 303 Hong Kong and Macau
  • Lion Richard TAN - Founding Chairman, Hong Kong Community Charter on AIDS
  • Ms Carlye TSUI JP - Executive Board Chairman, Hong Kong Community Charter on AIDS
  • Mr CHEUNG Che-kwok - Executive Board Member, Hong Kong Community Charter on AIDS

HIV/AIDS has always been more than a disease. In 1994 the Hong Kong Community Charter on AIDS was established by the joint effort of the Lions Clubs International District 303, Hong Kong and Macau and the Department of Health to appeal for anti-discrimination of people with HIV/AIDS. At the start of this new century, the Hong Kong Community Charter on AIDS, the Red Ribbon Centre of Department of Health, with the support of Social Welfare Department, the Hong Kong Advisory Council on AIDS and the Ltd and Starlite Productions Ltd, chose Robbi-the-bunny, a cartoon figure, as a Charter Ambassador appealing for acceptance of those people living with HIV/AIDS. In addition, a Robbi Manifesto contest was also launched, which invited the design of slogans on promoting acceptance. In the ceremony Robbi-the-bunny will sign as Charter Ambassador and awards will be given to the authors of the best slogans.

To arouse more participation, members of the public may also take photographs during the period from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on 22 June 2001 with Robbi at another nearby venue, that is, at the Atrium Gallery of Shatin New Town Plaza Phase III if they so wish.

Representatives and reporters of the mass media, including both the press and the Chinese and English newspapers are invited to attend and to cover the function.


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  • Gay Men HIV Information Website