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Press Releases 2001

2001 World AIDS Campaign "We care" Launching Ceremony


The above ceremony, organised by the Red Ribbon Centre-UNAIDS Collaborating Centre for Technical Support, will be held on 1 December 2001 at 11:00am at the Promotional Area, Level 1, East Point City, 8 Chung Wa Road, Tseung Kwan O to mark the inauguration of the website It also tie in with this year's World AIDS Campaign theme ''I care...Do you?''

This ''We care'' launching ceremony is the highlight of 2001 World AIDS Campaign in Hong Kong. Windbreakers bearing the slogan ''I care...Do you?'' in both Chinese and English and the address of our website have been distributed to all relevant organisations whose staffs are invited to put on the windbreaker on 1 December 2001. All the guests are also invited to wear this windbreaker when they come to the above ceremony. This gives an opportunity for community leaders and concerned people to show their commitment to fight HIV/AIDS and create a visual appeal to the general public.

Ms Christine FANG, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, and Dr Homer TSO JP, Chairman of Hong Kong Advisory Council on AIDS will jointly officiate the ceremony. They will each deliver a speech in the ceremony to appeal to the general public, especially the youth, to help disseminate positive message on AIDS. They will also jointly inaugurate the website which provides an interactive means of conveying HIV/AIDS messages to local young people through the Internet.

The UNAIDS Hong Kong Ambassador Miss Miriam YEUNG, will also be present in the ceremony to mark the inauguration of the website. She will share experience with the public to put across sex education and AIDS prevention messages.

After the ceremony, participants can try on the Internet games of to obtain more knowledge on HIV/AIDS, and they will each be given a souvenir for their participation.

The media will be invited to cover the event. For more information on the above ceremony, please visit the website,

End/ Friday, November 30, 2001


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